By Ebriku John Friday
Notable Cross River State born politicians and reputable leaders, Hon Jude Ogbeche Ngaji former member of the House of Representatives representing Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency anf Mr Omaga Victor Odo former Chairman, State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) – Cross River State are now certified Prophets in the Christian faith.

The duo, who graduated today, Sunday, February 18, 2024 from The School of Prophets, Faith Hill Prophetic Assembly, Abuja, are set to contribute their quota to the work of the Gospel of Christ through preaching, teaching and demonstration of the power of God and win souls into God’s heavenly Kingdom.
“This is the season of graduations and such a joyous time to celebrate one’s accomplishments in the Lord’s vineyard and know that you finally made it to the end of your learning period and it is now time to go out into the world”, these were the words of Hon Jude Ogbeche Ngaji and Mr Victor Omaga Odo at their graduation and induction today as Prophets at Faith Hill Prophetic Assembly, Pison Ark, Institution and Research District, Airport Road, Abuja.

With the induction, they have been empowered to preach and prophesy the word as the LORD brought to their minds the “School of the Prophets,” and how it is so important for them to sit at their Teacher’s Feet and listen to his every Word and learn from Him. That they might then go forth into this world in the Power of The Holy Spirit, hearing only His Voice, doing only what He does, and speaking only what He speaks.

Admonishing the graduants, the Presiding Archbishop, Prof. Emmanuel M. Jatau said they have been in Holy Spirit “School of the Prophets!” and it is graduation time to do God’s work.
“I saw The Bride of Christ, wearing her graduation cap and tassel over you. It was not large and grand, but very plain with a blue tassel. Blue is the color of Heaven. It is the color of Sapphire, the color of the stones beneath God’s Feet as He walks.
It was the color of the Jews’ tassels on their garments to remind them of God and His Word to them. A blue tassel is what the sick people touched on Jesus’ robe and they were healed.

“It was not “magic” but it was a sign that the One wearing it was anointed. And so it is with you, Child of God. All who have desired to prophecy shall. It is time for the humble prophets to come forth, who do not desire the best seats in the house, or to be given a title, or do all their deeds to be noticed by people.
Hon Ngaji and Omaga are of the Graduating Class 19, February 2024 which the Holy Spirit, raised up for such a time as this. They hold the diploma of Heavenly Knowledge and the Seven Spirits of God.